月曜日, 9月 18, 2006


you can see the statue of liberty♪

桜木町 観覧車&ボート

日曜日, 9月 17, 2006


this weekend has been a repeat of a kai day except it is cloudy and dark. i went to odaiba and i saw superman returns again. kind of sad really. but the sky is huge.

日曜日, 9月 10, 2006

scaring crows?

biking along the rice fields, i came across these guys

Doctor Fish 舶来魚蒸し処

after the fish eat all of the dead skin off your feet, the bottoms are so clean and smooth... but it feels ticklish and creepy

convenience store self portrait

お台場 観覧車、東京の夜景

also views from the washington hotel. with miki.

六本木ヒルズ 展望台

i can even see the road that goes to shibuya, and eventually home.